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上海是中国电影的发祥地,历史上,上海电影创作了诸多优秀影片,也塑造了众多为当时大众耳熟能详的人物形象。新中国成立后的上影厂,曾经开创了多项中国电影的第一。上世纪末以来,随着经济体制和电影体制改革的不断深入,上海电影的昔日辉煌似乎已经难再。一座以上海电影为主题的博物馆,是简单地展示陈列过去,还是将人们的个人生活与记忆紧密联系,以互动和对话为推动力,将参观者变成上海电影故事的积极参与者?刚刚落成的上海电影博物馆会为观众揭开答案。坐落于上海繁华市中心徐家汇的上海电影制片厂旧址上,新的电影博物馆共有4 Shanghai is the birthplace of Chinese cinema. Historically, Shanghai cinema has created many excellent films and also created many well-known characters for the general public at that time. After the founding of New China, Shanghai Film Factory, has created a number of Chinese film first. Since the end of the last century, with the continuous deepening of the economic system and the reform of the movie system, the past glory of the Shanghai film seems to be no longer possible. A Shanghai movie themed museum is simply to display the past, or the people's personal life and memory closely linked to the interaction and dialogue as a driving force to turn visitors into Shanghai movie story of the active participants? Just completed Shanghai Film Museum will open the audience for the answer. Located in Shanghai's bustling downtown Xujiahui Shanghai Film Studio site, the new movie museum has a total of 4
最近,作为日本新一代建筑师的领军人物之一,藤本壮介提出“弱建筑”(weak architecture)概念,在日本建筑界引起很大反响。热衷于对自然界的关注,藤本发现自然界所有事物的关