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我们知道,盆景艺术创作主要是通过展示而供人欣赏,山水盆景也一样。近年来,随着各种规模的园艺展览推出了许多优秀的山水盆景作品和制作新人,这对山水盆景艺术的发展是很大的促进,预示着将有更多价廉物美的山水盆景走进千家万户。制作特点就山水盆景的制作、生产与树木盆景相比较而言,一是前者在制作、生产上不受时间、季节的限制,有利于批量加工、生产;二是山水盆景养护管理方便,而植物类盆景受阳光、水分、温度、土壤、肥料等诸多生长要素影响,养护管理的技术要求和费用相对要高;三是山水盆景石料来源广泛,目前常用的软、硬石料有30余种,这些石种在形态、色彩、质地上均各具特色,丰富了山水盆景艺术造型的创作空间;四是随着文化生活质量的提高,山水盆景用于厅堂陈饰布置已日渐增多,配上字、画等背景烘托,更具立体的观赏效果;五是在盆景出口方面,山水盆景在包装、运输上与树水盆景的植检、恒温恒湿、无土运输等技术要求相比较,显得简单方便得多了。 We know that the artistic creation of bonsai is mainly appreciated through the display and the landscape bonsai is also the same. In recent years, with the introduction of many excellent landscape bonsai works and newcomers with various sizes of horticultural exhibitions, this has greatly promoted the development of bonsai landscape artistry, which indicates that more and more affordable landscape bonsai will come into Thousands of households. Production characteristics Mountain bonsai production, production and bonsai trees in comparison, one is the former in the production, production is not subject to time and season restrictions, is conducive to batch processing, production; Second, landscape bonsai conservation and management convenience, and plants Bonsai by the sun, water, temperature, soil, fertilizers and many other growth factors, conservation and management of the technical requirements and costs are relatively high; Third, landscape bonsai stone widely available, currently used soft and hard rock more than 30 kinds of these Stone species in the form, color, texture, each with its own characteristics, rich artistic creation of bonsai landscape space; Fourth, with the improvement of the quality of cultural life, landscape bonsai used for decoration of the court has been increasing, with the word, Painting and other background contrast, more three-dimensional viewing effect; Fifth, the bonsai exports, mountain bonsai packaging, transportation and tree bonsai phytosanitary, constant temperature and humidity, soilless transport and other technical requirements compared to the simple and convenient Much more.
1937年的中国是孤独的,王宠惠同样也是孤独的。那时的国民政府外交部长,并不是一个令人羡慕的职位。7月9日的那个早晨,南京酷暑难耐,刚刚下飞机的王宠惠思考的问题是,如何起草第二天向日方提出的书面抗议。  1937年3月3日,王宠惠接任刚刚辞职的张群成为国民政府外交部部长。巧合的是,就在同一日,佐藤尚武也入阁成为新任日本外务省大臣。  对日外交,一直是南京外交部大楼里的官员们数年来最头疼的任务。日趋
说起春花,不能不提海棠;而说到海棠,又少不了别具特色的贴梗海棠。贴梗海棠(Chaenomeles speciosa)为蔷薇科木瓜属落叶灌木,因花朵直接着生于枝干上而得名。原产我国陕西、