【摘 要】
北极阿拉斯加巴罗(Barrow)地区(70°20′N,156°40′W)湖泊钻孔花粉记录,~(210)Pb 和~(137)Cs 测定以及多项环境代用指标测试(有机质含量、总 C 和总 N 含量、CaCO_3),揭示了
【机 构】
北极阿拉斯加巴罗(Barrow)地区(70°20′N,156°40′W)湖泊钻孔花粉记录,~(210)Pb 和~(137)Cs 测定以及多项环境代用指标测试(有机质含量、总 C 和总 N 含量、CaCO_3),揭示了小冰期以来 Barrow 地区曾发生3次暖期(公元1540~1600年,公元1660~1730年和公元1880~1992年)和3次冷期(公元1440~1520年,公元1610~1650年和公元1750~1850年)。这些冷暖事件与格陵兰世纪营和青藏高原古里雅冰芯记录对比发现,虽然在高频变化上,不同地区存在着差异,但重大冷暖事件都曾出现。
Pollen records, ~ (210) Pb and ~ (137) Cs measurements in lake boreholes in the Barrow area of Alaska (70 ° 20’N, 156 ° 40’W) and a number of environmental proxy tests (organic matter content, Total C and Total N, CaCO_3) revealed that three warm periods (1540-1600 AD, 1660-1730 AD and 1880-192 AD) and three cold periods (AD 1440 AD) occurred in the Barrow area since the Little Ice Age ~ 1520, 1610 ~ 1650 AD and 1750 ~ 1850 AD). Comparing these records with those recorded by the Greenland camp and the Guliya ice core of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, these cold and warm events show that although there are differences in high frequency and different regions, major cold and warm events have occurred.
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