搭建国际化桥梁 加强区域性合作——北京长城所与北卡三角园区双方领导的对话实录

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2014年3月27日,北京长城企业战略研究所所长乇德禄、副所长刘志光、副总经理陈文丰、科学哲学学者范岱年一行四人前往北卡三角园区访问。双方分别介绍了各自的情况,并就北卡园区的未来规划、以及如何搭建中国与北卡三角同区之间的合作进行了对话交流。以下是对话实录:一、北卡三角园区的基本情况MasonAilstock:我是这里分管商业发展的副总裁,负责帮助园内200多家企业与附近的三所大 On March 27, 2014, Toride Deru, director of the Beijing Great Wall Enterprise Strategy Research Institute, Liu Zhiguang, deputy director of the Beijing Great Wall Institute of Business Strategy, Chen Wenfeng, deputy general manager of the Beijing Science and Technology Academy, and Fan Dainian, a scholar of philosophy of science, visited the North Carolina Triangle Park. Both sides briefed each other on their respective situations and held dialogues and dialogues on the future planning of the North Carolina campus and how to set up the cooperation between China and the same area in the North Carolina triangle. The following is a dialogue record: First, the basic situation of the North Carolina Triangle Park MasonAilstock: I am here in charge of business development, vice president, responsible for helping the park more than 200 companies and the nearby three large