以少胜多大兵团歼敌的范例 以弱胜强山地作战的典范 以小胜大大规模伏击战的样板 草台岗以红军第四次反“围剿”重大胜利提升了其红色地名知誉度

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1932年底,国民党军队调集30多个师的兵力,向中央根据地发起第四次“围剿”。当时,毛泽东已被撤销在红军中的领导职务,周恩来、朱德从实际情况出发,指挥红一方面军在运动战中消灭敌人,取得了第四次反“围剿”的胜利。 By the end of 1932, the Kuomintang troops mobilized more than 30 divisions and launched the fourth “encirclement and suppression” campaign against the Central Committee. At that time, Mao Zedong was withdrawn from leadership in the Red Army. Zhou Enlai and Zhu De started from actual conditions and commanded the Red Army to eliminate their enemies during the campaign and achieved the fourth victory against the “encircling and suppression.”