1病例资料患者男,62岁,因反复咳嗽、咳痰、气喘30余年,加重3d,于2014年2月27日入院。既往有吸烟史,无冠心病史,否认药物、食物过敏史。入院体检:T 36.5℃,P 84次/min,R 28次/min,BP 112/77 mm Hg,血氧饱和度98%。意识清楚,桶状胸,两肺叩诊呈过清音,呼吸音减弱,两下肺底闻及中量湿性啰音;心界左扩,HR 84次/min,律齐,心音低钝,各瓣膜听诊
A case of male patients, aged 62, due to repeated cough, sputum, asthma more than 30 years, increased 3d, on February 27, 2014 admission. Past history of smoking, no history of coronary heart disease, denial of drugs, food allergy history. Admission examination: T 36.5 ℃, P 84 times / min, R 28 times / min, BP 112/77 mm Hg, oxygen saturation 98%. Consciousness, the barrel chest, percussion was two lungs were voiceless, breath sounds weakened, both at the end of the lung smell and in the amount of wet rales; heart left expansion, HR 84 beats / min, law Qi, low heart sound blunt, the valve auscultation