A personal comment on “China’s Semiconductor Industry Bubble” has aroused widespread industry controversy. A few days ago an American semiconductor expert said that more than half or even 60% of Chinese semiconductor factories will fail in the next few years. This argument is like a bomb detonating doubts about the rapid development of China’s semiconductor industry. Semiconductor industry is a global industry, the global industry data, the lack of sufficient support for its bubble theory. Including WSTS, iSuppli, a number of market research institutions, the global semiconductor market in 2006 forecast the growth rate of between 8% to 11%. Although the Chinese market surpasses the average level of international growth, this is only a microcosm of the rapid development of China’s economy as a whole. This article attempts to focus on the latest data from the international and domestic markets, reviewing the latest developments and industry trends in China’s semiconductor market in June 2006 and making brief analyzes and forecasts.