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一百多年来,中西方传统文化在香港的碰撞和融合。东西方文化在香港的交汇和融合形成了香港独特的文化现象。香港是中西方文化融合最完美的城市之一,在这里旅游,可以体会中西文化的碰撞、感受现代化的游乐设施以及南国的自然风光。香港(Hong Kong),举世闻名的国际化大都市,有着“东方之珠”的美誉,汇聚了中西文化精华。1842年至1997年,香港是英国的殖民地;1997年7月1日,中国对香港恢复行使主权,香港回归到祖国的怀抱。 For more than 100 years, the collision and integration of traditional Chinese and Western cultures in Hong Kong. The convergence and integration of Eastern and Western cultures in Hong Kong have shaped Hong Kong’s unique cultural phenomenon. Hong Kong is one of the most perfect cities in the integration of Chinese and Western cultures. Traveling here can experience the collision of Chinese and Western cultures, experience the modern amusement facilities and the natural scenery of southern China. Hong Kong is a world-famous cosmopolitan city with the reputation of “the Pearl of the East”, bringing together the essence of Chinese and Western cultures. From 1842 to 1997, Hong Kong was a British colony. On July 1, 1997, China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and returned to the embrace of the motherland.