患者 ,83岁。排尿困难、夜尿增多 6年余 ,曾因多次尿潴留行导尿治疗。近 2年出现间断性无痛性肉眼血尿 ,每次经抗感染、止血治疗 ,血尿停止 ,未予进一步诊治。5d前再次出现尿频、尿急、血尿 ,有血块 ,排尿极为困难。当地医院 B超诊断为膀胱占位性病变。入院直肠指检 :肛门张力
Patient, 83 years old. Dysuria, nocturia increased more than 6 years, had urethral catheterization urinary retention treatment. The past two years there intermittent painless gross hematuria, each anti-infective, hemostatic treatment, hematuria stopped, no further diagnosis and treatment. 5d again before frequent urination, urgency, hematuria, blood clots, urinating extremely difficult. Local hospital B-ultrasound diagnosis of bladder space-occupying lesions. Admission finger examination: anal tension