White pelicans are Umbelliferae. Take root medicine. Spicy, warm. The wind dispelled the wind, drained the pus, and relieved myogenic muscles. Used for cold colds, forehead headaches, sinusitis, toothache, and blood-wound burns. Use 1 to 2 dollars. Plant morphology is a perennial herb, about 5 feet high. The main root is thick. Solid, conical, yellow-brown, with aroma. Stems hollow, cylindrical, usually purplish, with fine hairs. Leaves alternate, 2 to 3 pinnate leaves, serrated edges, leaf sheaths glabrous, amplexicaul. Umbrella, terminal or axillary, white flowers. The fruit is double-hanging fruit, flattened, long and broadly elliptic, with broad wings on side ribs and very few hairs.