心梗发作早期数小时内行经皮冠状动脉 (冠脉 )介入疗法 (PCI) ,按其不同作用可分为 3种形式 :初级 PCI(prima-ry,PCI) ,结合药物溶栓的 PCI,溶栓再灌注失败后的“补救 PCI”(rescue PCI) ,见表 3。5 初级 PCI初级 PCI是指血管成形术和 (或 )支架放置术且未同时或预先进行过溶
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) can be performed within a few hours of early onset of myocardial infarction and can be divided into three forms according to their different roles: prima-ry (PCI), PCI combined with drug thrombolysis See Table 3.5 for rescue PCI after failed reperfusion. Primary PCI Primary PCI refers to angioplasty and / or stenting and has not been concurrently or pre-dissolved