Fuzzy Privacy Decision for Context-Aware Access Personal Information

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xzyn
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A context-aware privacy protection framework was designed for context-aware services and privacy control methods about access personal information in pervasive environment. In the process of user’s privacy decision,it can produce fuzzy pri-vacy decision as the change of personal information sensitivity and personal information receiver trust. The uncertain privacy decision model was proposed about personal information disclo-sure based on the change of personal information receiver trust and personal information sensitivity. A fuzzy privacy decision information system was designed according to this model. Per-sonal privacy control policies can be extracted from this informa-tion system by using rough set theory. It also solves the problem about learning privacy control policies of personal information disclosure. A context-aware privacy protection framework was designed for context-aware services and privacy control methods about access personal information in pervasive environment. In the process of user’s privacy decision, it can produce fuzzy pri-vacy decision as the change of personal information sensitivity and personal information receiver trust. The uncertain privacy decision model was proposed about personal information disclo-sure based on the change of personal information receiver trust and personal information sensitivity. A fuzzy privacy decision information system was designed according to this model. policies can be extracted from this informa-tion system by using rough set theory. It also solves the problem about learning privacy control policies of personal information disclosure.
本刊讯 由中国书协篆刻委员会主办,江苏省书协、无锡市文联承办的2010中国书协篆刻艺术专业委员会工作会议暨当代篆刻创作论坛,于4月24日至26日在无锡市隆重举行。来自全国各地的40多位国内著名篆刻家、印学家相聚无锡,共同探讨当代篆刻创作艺术的发展趋向、学术定位、风格演变与审美追求,共同构建当代篆刻的科学审美评判体系。  当代篆刻艺术走过了近30年的继承、发展、探索、创新之路,已从单纯对既成艺术样式
新陆早6号是新疆兵团农七师农科所用8S—174品系与美国品种贝尔斯诺进行有性杂交,经多年系统选育而成。1997年经新疆农作物品种审定委员会审定通过。 新陆早6号属特早熟陆地