二、超前意识 主力比散户高明,因为主力思维永远领先散户一步,在把握大市方面尤其如此。在熊市发展到极点的时候,主力就会调集大部分资金杀人,悄悄建仓;在牛市炒至最为火爆时,主力会悄悄出货,离场观望。主力会在大涨或大跌之后更多地分析大众投资者的心态,公众媒体的投资宣传与建议等,根据大众的心态反应及相应的市场行为来确定操作策略,思维上总比散户快一拍。
Second, the leading consciousness of the main smarter than retail investors, because the main thinking is always one step ahead of the retail investors, especially in the grasp of the market. In the bear market development to the extreme, the main force will mobilize most of the funds to kill, quietly Jiancang; in the bull market to the most popular, the main will be quietly shipped, leave the sidelines. The main force will be more after the rose or plunge more public investors mentality, the public media investment advice and recommendations, according to the public’s psychology and the corresponding market behavior to determine the operating strategy, the thinking is always faster than individual investors Shoot