千万年薪,知天命的年纪,再过几年就可以风光退休,但这位曾经驰骋于传统零售、电商零售,人称“黄药师”的骨灰级老将,却选择了创业。这一次绝对与众不同。在创业前.黄若不是没有犹豫过。全世界500强最大企业邀请他担任中国区的负责人.待遇非常优厚.他有些动心.给远在美国读书的17岁儿子打电话.征询他的意见。儿子态度坚决:Dad.Life is not just about of money(生命的价值不仅是金钱)。
Thousands of annual salary, knowing the age of destiny, you can retire a few years in the scenery, but this once gall in the traditional retail, e-commerce retail, known as the “yellow pharmacist” of the elite, but chose to start. This time is absolutely different. Before starting a business, Huang Ruo did not hesitate. He was a bit motivated by the invitation of the world’s top 500 largest enterprises to be the head of China and phoned his 17-year-old son, who was studying in the United States. Son’s attitude is firm: Dad.Life is not just about of money (the value of life is not only money).