对南京汤山葫芦洞南壁钙板上一支长82 mm石笋进行了高精度热电离质谱(TIMS)定年及氧碳同位素分析。结果表明,该支短石笋生长时段长达300 ka左右(距今463~159ka),其底部年龄进一步证实南京直立人生存时代早于450 kaBP。δ~(18)O值变化反映了研究区域冰期与间冰期年均温差可达10℃以上,代表了中国东部冬夏季风环流强度显著增强时期。δ~(13)C值在MIS6/7界线上的显著漂移揭示了一次土壤侵蚀事件,结束了洞穴文化层的堆积历史。
A high-precision thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) dating and oxygen-carbon isotope analysis was performed on a stalk of 82 mm stalagmite on the south wall of Hulu Cave in Nanjing. The results show that the short stalagmite grows up to about 300 ka (463 ~ 159 ka), and its bottom age further confirms that the survival time of Nanjing Homo erectus was earlier than 450 ka BP. The change of δ 18 O value reflects that the annual temperature difference between glacial and interglacial periods in the study area can reach over 10 ℃, representing a period during which the intensity of winter and summer monsoon circulation in eastern China increased significantly. The significant drift of δ ~ (13) C value on the MIS6 / 7 boundary revealed a soil erosion event and ended the accumulation of cave cultural layers.