一、从“公关小姐”与“攻关大叔”谈起 3年前,某企业选聘一批“公关小姐”,在国内几个大城市设点推销产品,效果显著。企业领导人由此而对公关小姐十分器重,先是给每人增加两级工资,接着又扩充了她们的队伍,该企业当时的产品质量和款式都不差,只是由于市场上同类产品太多而未打开销售局面,多点销售扩大了宣传和覆盖面,因而效果显著。但是,企业领导人把成绩尽记在公关小姐的功劳簿上,冷落了为科技进步默默奉献的科技人员,连他们提出的技改方案也被长期搁置,企业先后有4个挑大梁的技术骨干外流。职工们痛心地批
First, from the “public relations lady” and “unclear research” talked 3 years ago, a company selected to hire a group of “public relations lady”, in several major cities in China to set up products to promote sales, the effect is significant. Business leaders thus valued Ms. Public Relations. They first added two pay levels to each person, and then expanded their team. At that time, the company’s product quality and style were not bad, just because there were too many similar products on the market. The sales situation has not been opened, and sales at multiple points have expanded publicity and coverage, which has resulted in significant results. However, the leaders of the company kept their scores in the books of public relations practitioners. They snubbed out the technologists who had dedication to the advancement of science and technology. Even the technical reform programs they proposed were put on hold for a long time. The companies have had four out-and-out technical backbones. . The employees were sadly approved