方志工作是一个庞大的系统工程 ,要使新时期地方志工作健康快速发展 ,就必须正确处理好如下十大关系 :一、理论与实践中的继承与创新的关系 ;二、深化体制改革与发展方志事业的关系 ;三、坚持创新发展与遵循客观规律的关系 ;四、地方性、科学性和时代性的关系 ;五、地方志机构的纵横关系 ;六、地方志的资料性与学术性的关系 ;七、修志与用志的关系 ;八、事业性编修与市场化运作的关系 ;九、新编地方志的详略关系 ;十、新编地方志的交叉关系。
The work of local chronicles is a huge systematic project. To make the work of local chronicles in the new period healthy and rapid, we must correctly handle the following ten relations: First, the relationship between inheritance and innovation in theory and practice; second, deepening the reform and development of the system Third, adhere to the relationship between innovation and development and obeying the objective laws; Fourth, the relationship between local, scientific and the times; Fifth, the vertical and horizontal relationship of the local history of Zhi institutions; Sixth, the relationship between local and academic information and academic; , The relationship between Chi and the Chi; eight, the relationship between editorial and market-oriented operation; nine, the new local dialectical relationship; ten, the new local dialectical cross relationship.