In the countryside during the busy season, the grass-roots hospitals often suffer from blackouts because of the sudden increase in electricity consumption. The radiology department in our hospital uses two 200 mA X-ray machines. According to the machine performance requirements, there must be 25 发电机 generators to supply power. However, we have only one small generator that is still inadequate for lighting. After installing some circuits by balancing the load, we solved the problem of power consumption of the 200-millimeter X-ray machine with a small 4-in. generator. (See Figure). The specific method is as follows: Two electric balance loads are added in the electro-acoustic input loop. The load W_1 is connected in parallel with the autotransformer of the x-ray machine. The load W2 is connected in parallel with the high voltage generator. Both balanced loads are controlled by switch S_2. The S_2 knife is pulled open when the incoming call is transilluminated; when the self-generating transillumination is turned on, the switch S_2 is closed and the power is added to W_1 and W_2. When the boot button is pressed by the CTO