Using n-butylamine as adsorbate, the temperature-programmed desorption on NaCaY and NaNH 4 Y zeolites with different exchange degrees was investigated. The TPD spectrum of n-butylamine on NaY is basically the same as that of pyridine, with the exception that there is a small peak at 350 ° C (peak III). After Na ~ + ions were exchanged by Ca ~ (2+) ion in NaY, the peak Ⅱ shifted to low temperature, while the shoulder peak (peak Ⅰ) disappeared gradually. On the NaHY zeolite after NH 4 + exchange, except for the peaks Ⅱ and Ⅰ, there is a similar change with CaNaY. In the high temperature region, another peak IV appears before the peak III, which increases with the increase of NH 4 + ion exchange rate , While the displacement to the high temperature, NH_4 ~ + exchange rate of 90%, the peak Ⅲ and peak Ⅳ coincide. The TPD patterns of n-butylamine in Na ~ + exchanged with Ca ~ (2+) or NH_4 ~ + all have the same feature that a new peak appears in the high temperature region, indicating that NaY is exchanged by other ions such as calcium or similar Acid adsorption center. The chromatographic identification, desorption product only n-butylamine, the total amount of adsorption decreases with the degree of exchange decreases, indicating n-butylamine adsorption on the Na ~ + ions stronger.