醒来时夜色正浓,经过了半天的折腾,我清楚自己又躺在了医院的病床上。同一家医院,同一张病床,同样的病因:胃出血。第二次喝酒喝成这样,我心甘情愿。大概唯有如此才能从失恋中解脱,暂时忘掉新愁旧怨。窗外的雨水敲打着窗棂,在一片嘀嗒声中,不由得把我的思绪拉回到从前,所有爱过的人,写过的歌,历历在目。 云是我的第一任女友,“同居长干里,两小无嫌猜”。标准的青梅竹马,却因为两家经济条件相差过大遭到了云母亲的强烈反对。三年的秘密爱情在几天的思想攻势下土崩瓦解,我这个在大富大贵的云妈眼里的穷小子,开始借酒浇愁。第一次胃出血,由此而来。
When the night woke up is thick, after a long time tossing, I know myself lying in the hospital bed. The same hospital, the same hospital bed, the same etiology: stomach bleeding. The second drink to drink like this, I am willing. Probably the only way to be liberated from the romance, for the time being to forget the old sad new complaints. Rain outside the window beating the window, in a ticking, could not help but pull my thoughts back to the past, all loved ones, wrote the song, vividly. Cloud is my first girlfriend, “cohabitation long, two no suspicions.” Standard childhood, but because of the two big differences in economic conditions have been strong opposition from the mother of the clouds. Three years of secret love fall apart in a few days of ideological offensive, my poor boy in the eyes of rich and powerful cloud mother began to drink to worry. The first stomach bleeding, resulting from.