British worker John Francis Bray, published in 1839, “Labor persecution and its treatment bill” a book. Marx rephrased and criticized his theory in The Poverty of Philosophy. According to this, most descendants regarded them as utopian socialists and denied it. Now it is probable that the plan of mine-laying is the first erroneous case in the history of Marxism. Marx's criticism is basically improper. Bray may be the first worker theoretician to think of the socialist economy as a planned commodity economy under public ownership. A pioneer in the theory of contemporary socialist reform. Bray's opposition to private ownership first proposed that there should be a “transitional stage of society” between the most perfect system of public-owned society and capitalism, and envisaged in this society: “Equal values are always exchanged with equal values,” that is, commodities Economy; “there are innumerable smallest joint-stock companies”; “everybody works, everybody produces, and exchanges on the most equal basis” so that the whole country will form a "large stock company