为了解我校女学生青春期发育状况,加强青春期卫生教育,促进学生身心健康成长,1984年9月至1985年10月,对全校448名女生进行了月经初潮的调查。 1 调查的对象、内容和方法 1.1 对象: 从初中一年级到高中三年级调查了全校女生,年龄范围从11岁到19岁。
In order to understand the puberty development of female students in our school, strengthen adolescent health education and promote their physical and mental health, from September 1984 to October 1985, a survey of 448 girls in the school was conducted on menarche. 1 Subjects, Contents and Methods of the Survey 1.1 Subjects: The whole school girls were surveyed from the first grade to the third grade of senior high school, ranging from 11 to 19 years old.