还记得快乐鸟信箱诞生时快乐鸟每天快乐地衔枝筑巢的情形吗,转眼一年过去了,快乐鸟依然是快乐鸟,不过最初那个巢好像变得有些不一样了,鼓鼓囊囊地塞满了读者朋友们的各种愿望、体会、建议、关心、疑问、支持、批评、鼓励……每一句话都真诚纯净地像矿泉水般,每一封信又都实在厚重地犹如大石。从冬天回到冬天,从12月走到12月,然而快乐鸟的心情则不愿随着季节做抛物线运动,它已经高高在上,不愿再低落! 2003年,快乐鸟信箱仍然会伴随着《少年电世界》的读者朋友们,在这里,请允许快乐鸟提前预支一点儿明年的快乐,让小鸟听一声大家的鼓励,特别是那句:大手拉小手,我们永远是朋友! 另外特别想说一句,由于快乐鸟自从展现了小编形象以后就一直穿着透心凉的夏装,所以主编大人特准——明年的第1期换上好看又暖和的新装,福及众人,卷毛鹰、小飞侠等人也将新形象出现,可否对你有些吸引力!
Do you remember the Happy Birds happily nesting and building a nest every time a Happy Bird Letterbox was born? After a year has passed, the happy bird is still a happy bird, but at first the nest seems to have become a bit different and bulging The readers’ aspirations, experiences, suggestions, concerns, questions, support, criticism, encouragement... Every word is as pure and pure as mineral water. Every letter is as thick as a stone. From winter to winter, from December to December, the happy bird’s mood is not willing to do parabolic movement with the season. It is already high above, and does not want to fall again! In 2003, Happy Bird Mail will still be accompanied by “Juveniles. “E-World” readers, here, please allow Happy Birds to prepay a little bit of joy ahead of next year, let the birds listen to everyone’s encouragement, especially the phrase: big hands, we will always be friends! Also want to say In a word, since the Happy Bird has been wearing a cool summer dress since the display of Xiaobian’s image, the editor-in-chief, the editor-in-chief of the first year of the next year, puts on a good-looking and warm new outfit, blessing everyone, curled eagles, and small animals. Fei Xia and others will also appear in the new image. Is it attractive to you?