本文包括如下四个方面的问题:(一) 流域出流洪水演算,(二) 流域成因单位线,(三) 成因单位线与单位线基本假定的关系,(四) 无资料地区单位綫的推求。四个问题结成一体,以成因单位线为核心。文中成因单位綫公式的推导系以維虽康诺夫的逕流成因公式为基礎,并借用了馬斯京貢(Mnskingum)槽蓄曲线方程式。使用上述公式計算单位线时只需要三个参数,可无需实测流量記录。上述公式又可用來推求无资料地区的单位綫。
This paper includes the following four aspects: (1) the calculation of outflow flood in the basin, (2) the genesis unit line of the basin, (3) the relationship between the genesis unit line and the basic assumption of the unit line, and (4) . Four issues into one, with the genesis unit line as the core. The derivation of the unit-line formula of the genesis in this paper is based on the Weisunconov runoff genesis formula and borrows the Mnskingum equation of tank-storage curve. When using the above formula to calculate the unit line, only three parameters are needed, which can eliminate the need of actually measuring the flow record. Again, the above formula can be used to infer the unit line in a region without data.