故障现象。一辆东风EQ1118G(EQ145)系列6吨平头载货汽车,用户接车后仅行驶到陕西商洛,就出现了故障:起动发动机运转正常,当使用倒档倒车时,旋即两步一熄火,三步一灭火,再用前进挡起步行驶时,也是走走停停,有时也能正常行驶,但也常常会出现自行熄火现象。 故障诊断与排除。经检测断油电磁阀线路无电,又发现各种仪表的报警指示灯都不亮,而两者保险丝均属良好,但见其插座上下接触点上面均无电源。据以上原因,维修人员
Symptoms. A Dongfeng EQ1118G (EQ145) series of 6 tons of flat-bottomed trucks, the user after driving only to Shangluo, Shaanxi, there is a breakdown: starting the engine is operating normally, when using reversing reversing, turn off two steps one immediately, three steps A fire, then use the forward gear while driving, but also stop and go, and sometimes normal driving, but also often appear to self-extinguishing phenomenon. Troubleshooting and troubleshooting. After testing off the oil solenoid valve circuit without electricity, but also found that all kinds of instruments alarm indicator light is not bright, and both fuse are good, but see the upper and lower socket outlet there is no power above. According to the above reasons, maintenance personnel