1980年12月5日在东京召开了Fe—Cr—Co磁性材料一从基础到应用一特别研究会。会议由日本未踏加工技术协会、日本金属学会·磁性材料研究会、粉末冶金协会、日本电子材料协会四个协会联合发起召开。 Fe—Cr—Co磁性材料是以日本东海大学金子秀夫教授(东北大学名誉教授)为中心研制出的新型磁性材料,它具有与至今广泛应用的 Al—Ni—Co系磁性材料同样的磁特性,但是由于现在世界性的资源不足,Co量少便成为严重问题,这种含Co量少的新材料,加之又可
December 5, 1980 in Tokyo held a Fe-Cr-Co magnetic material - from a foundation to a special application of the Society. The meeting was unveiled by Japan’s Association of Non-Processing Technology, Japan Society for Metals, Magnetic Materials Research Association, Powder Metallurgy Association and Japan Electronic Materials Association. Fe-Cr-Co magnetic material is a new type of magnetic material which is mainly produced by Professor Kimiko Sukhoi (Honorary Professor of Northeastern University) of Tokai University. It has the same magnetic properties as the Al-Ni-Co magnetic material widely used today, However, due to the current lack of resources around the world, the amount of Co has become a serious problem, this small amount of Co-containing new materials, combined with