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王喜文在广西南宁一个建筑工地上打工。收入微薄的他做梦都想发财,改变贫穷的命运。这一天悄悄地来了,始于一个微不足道的开始——2002年的一天早晨,王喜文的一位朋友贪睡不愿起床。朋友给了王喜文10元钱,“给我买份早餐,余下的钱归你!”王喜文照办了。他从这件事中受到启发:“像朋友这样的人一定不少,如果我能开展为人送早餐上门的服务,是不是有钱赚?” Wang Xiwen worked on a construction site in Nanning, Guangxi. With a meager income, he dreams of making a fortune and changing the fate of poverty. This day came quietly, starting with a trivial beginning - one morning in 2002, Wang Xiwen’s friend slept and refused to get up. The friend gave Wang Xiwen 10 yuan, “Buy me breakfast, the rest of the money is yours!” Wang Xiwen followed suit. He was inspired by this incident: “There must be a lot of people like friends. If I can carry out the service of sending people home for breakfast, is it profitable?”
读罢此文,也许会感叹;光与健康的关系是何等密切!平日情绪的波动居然与光有涉。冬去春来,wonderful feeling comes with spring.你有此感受吗?光照不足.竟会导致一种可怕的疾
谈表示条件关系的一种特殊结构钟海岩93年6月全国大学英语四级考试中有这样一题(第42题):1)Fiveminutesearlier,wecouldhavecaughtthelasttrain.A)andB)butC)orD)so正确答案为A)and。... Talking about a special structure that expresses the relationship of
美国人Samuel Ullman写于70多年前的一篇题为Youth的短文竞意想不到地走红今日之日本。请读以下几段文字: * An essay on youth has inspired some of Japan’s most succes
一、关系代词 that1.先行词为既指人又指物的并列词组时,只能用 that,例如:He talked of the people and the books that interested him in the li-brary.The lady and the
When I was a boy,every holiday that Ihad seemed ideal.My parents took me by train or by car to a hotel by the sea,All day,I seem to remember,Iplayed on the san