An acquaintance of mine once told me thefollowing story.
When I was a student at Moscow I happened tolive alongside one of those ladies whose repute isquestionable. She was a Pole, and they called herTeresa. She was a tallish, powerfully-built brunette,with black, bushy eyebrows and a large coarse faceas if carved out by a hatchet-the bestial gleam ofher dark eyes, her thick bass voice, her cabman-likegait and her immense muscular vigour, worthy ofa fishwife, inspired me with horror.I lived on thetop flight and her garret was opposite to mine.
When I was a student at Moscow I happened tolive alongside one of those ladies whose repute isquestionable. She was a Pole, and they called herTeresa. She was a tallish, powerfully-built brunette,with black, bushy eyebrows and a large coarse faceas if carved out by a hatchet-the bestial gleam ofher dark eyes, her thick bass voice, her cabman-likegait and her immense muscular vigour, worthy ofa fishwife, inspired me with horror.I lived on thetop flight and her garret was opposite to mine.