当地球成为地球村,大概只有西藏能称为未被污染的最后净土。走进西藏是我从小梦寐以求的。青藏公路架在莽莽昆仑山和唐古拉山间,横贯两山。从西宁经格尔木到拉萨全长1907公里,全线平均海拔4000米以上。虽然长途跋涉,历经艰辛,但途中梦幻般的美景和鲜为人知的藏族风情,令我难以忘怀。 1999年8月24日 经过几个月的筹备,我终于登上了北京飞往青海首府西宁的航班。10点我们一行人顺利抵达并入住西宁宾馆。西宁海拔2300米,是青藏高原上最古老的城市,已有2100年的历史。 8月25日 一早起来,天上下着小雨,
When the earth becomes a global village, probably only Tibet can be called the undisturbed land of pure land. Into Tibet is my childhood dream. Qinghai-Tibet Highway between the vast Kunlun Mountains and Tanggula, across the two mountains. From Xining through Golmud to Lhasa, a total length of 1907 kilometers, all over the average elevation of 4000 meters above. Although the long journey, after many hardships, but the fantastic scenery on the way and the little-known Tibetan style, I am unforgettable. August 24, 1999 After several months of preparations, I finally boarded a flight from Beijing to Xining, the capital of Qinghai. At 10 o’clock we a smooth arrival and stay in Xining Hotel. Xining 2300 meters above sea level, is the oldest city on the Tibetan Plateau, has 2100 years of history. On the morning of August 25, it rose up with light rain in the sky,