定向透气塞是采用等静压成型的。它是顶底复合吹炼的一种新的底部供气元件,具有供气稳定,气量调节范围大,可提高熔池搅拌效果的特点。本文介绍定向透气塞的材质、结构、成型工艺以及在150t 转炉上的使用效果,其吨钢成本比采用管式底吹喷枪降低1.22元,比纯顶吹降低3.29元。
Directional breathable plug is formed by isostatic pressing. It is the top and bottom compound blowing a new bottom gas supply components, with a stable gas supply, gas volume adjustment range, can improve the stirring pool characteristics. This article describes the directional breathable plug material, structure, molding process and the 150t converter on the use of the effect, the cost of steel per ton lower than the tube bottom blowing gun to reduce 1.22 yuan, lower than the pure top blowing 3.29 yuan.