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物权的本体性权能是权利人在特定物上实现自己意志的自由,即支配特定物的自由,物权的维护性权能是请求任何人不妨碍权利人行使权利,即绝对请求权。原物返还请求权、原状恢复请求权、妨害排除及消除危险请求权等物上请求权,因请求特定人为特定给付,请求的直接目的是受领特定人为特定给付,故此,其性质为债权。原物返还请求权、原状恢复请求权应受诉讼时效限制。妨害排除及危险消除请求权,因妨害或危险行为的持续性及不产生外观信赖,故不应受诉讼时效限制。请求确认物权的权利并非请求权,且属于权利的主张而非权利的行使,只要争议存在,就应允许权利人主张权利,故不受诉讼时效限制。 The noumenal right of the real right is the freedom of the rightholder to realize his or her own will on the specific object, that is to say, the freedom to control the particular object. The maintenance of the real right of the real right requires that anyone should not impede the rightholder from exercising the right, that is, the absolute right of claim. Requests for restitution of original property, claim for restitution of original property, obstruction of removal and removal of dangerous claim, etc., because the specific purpose of the request for specific payment, the request for the direct purpose of receiving a specific person for a specific payment, therefore, the nature of claims. The original right to return the request, the original request for restoration of the right to be subject to statute of limitations. Obstruction and exclusion of the right to eliminate claims, because of obstruction or dangerous behavior continuity and does not produce the appearance of trust, it should not be subject to statute of limitations. Requests to confirm the right of real right is not the right to request, and belongs to the rights of the claim rather than the exercise of rights, as long as the dispute exists, it should allow the right to advocate rights, it is not limited by the limitation of action.
1.俺养了3头母猪,其中2头母猪所产20多只小猪都在3日龄时死亡,死亡的前一天都拉稀。起初怀疑这些小猪得了仔猪黄白痢,但仔猪黄白痢一般发生在7日龄时,现在刚出生2天就发病有点不像仔猪黄白痢。请问,小猪死亡和母猪有没有关系?采取哪些措施才能提高仔猪成活率?  答:你饲养的仔猪患的很可能就是仔猪黄痢。仔猪黄痢是初生仔猪的一种急性、高度致死性传染病。本病由大肠杆菌引起,主要发生于1周龄以内的哺乳仔猪,尤
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