Taiwania flousiana asexual reproduction, Changning County Forestry Bureau forestry engineer on behalf of Jin Ming, in the field of study of the high pulp and then the connection method of high pulp success. In 1989, on behalf of Jin Ming with 40-year-old mother tree branches, one year after the planting of Taiwania flossii seedlings, using high pulp and high cephalothoracic abdominal method, has a graft of Taiwan floss fir 6,000 grafted after 7 months Surveying and surviving 5200 strains, the survival rate of 86.7%. In 1990, he successively grafted 4000 bulbs of Taiwania flousiana, and investigated and survived 8 months after the grafting, making 3700 surviving, with a survival rate of 92.5%.