德国著名建筑大师托马斯·赫尔佐格先生自20世纪70年代起便致力于生态建筑的研究与设计实践,并取得了丰硕的成果。他发展了一种全新的设计理念,即将建筑的美学、技术、功能和可持续性结合起来,被称为近20年来太阳能建筑和建筑革新研究领域的开拓者。 在北京举办“托马斯·赫尔佐格建筑+技术展”期间,本刊记者就生态建筑的有关问题对赫尔佐格先生进行了专访。
The famous German architect Thomas Herzog has been committed to the research and design practice of ecological architecture since the 1970s and has achieved fruitful results. He developed a brand-new design concept that combines architectural aesthetics, technology, functionality, and sustainability, and is known as a pioneer in the field of solar building and architectural innovation research in the past 20 years. During the “Thomas Herzog Architecture+Technology Exhibition” held in Beijing, this reporter conducted an exclusive interview with Mr. Herzog on the issues related to ecological architecture.