Establishment of cell lines with porcine spermatogonial stem cell properties

来源 :畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crocus
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Background:Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are capable of both self-renewal and differentiation to mature functional spermatozoa, being the only adult stem cells in the males that can transmit genetic information to the next generation. Porcine SSCs hold great value in transgenic pig production and in establishment of porcine models for regenerative medicine. However, studies and applications of porcine SSCs have been greatly hampered by the low number of SSCs in the testis as well as the lack of an ideal stable long-term culture system to propagate porcine SSCs perpetually. Results:In the present study, by lentiviral transduction of plasmids expressing the simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen into porcine primary SSCs, we developed two immortalized cell lines with porcine SSC attributes. The established cell lines, with the expression of porcine SSC and germ cell markers UCHL1, PLZF, THY1, VASA and DAZL, could respond to retinoic acid (RA), and could colonize the recipient mouse testis without tumor formation after transplantation. The cell lines displayed infinite proliferation potential, and have now been cultured for more than 7 months and passaged for over 35 times without morphological abnormalities. Conclusions:We have for the first time established porcine SSC lines that could provide abundant cell sources for mechanistic studies on porcine SSC self-renewal and differentiation, thereby facilitating development of an optimal long-term culture system for porcine primary SSCs and their application to animal husbandry and medicine.
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