最近,到广州去作了两周之游,一次,友人邀我们去某酒家品尝海鲜,第一道菜上来的就是一盆大虾,服务员指着盘子说:“这是本店的特色菜,烤濑尿虾。” 盆子里装着10只带壳的大虾,其壳分成九节,就像是一副坚固的盔甲,与电视节目中《动物世界》中看到的南美仇涂差不多,正在束手无策时,一位小姐走过来替我们剥壳,并说一定要自上而下地剥盔去甲,免得吃时壳肉难分造成浪费和刺痛口唇,她还说店中供应的都是濑尿虾中的上品“红心虾”,也就是背部壳内有一张条状卵块的雌虾。品尝之后,果然觉得鲜美无比,其味道并不亚于有口皆碑的大明虾。
Recently, I went to Guangzhou for a two-week tour. Once, my friend invited us to a restaurant to taste seafood. The first dish was a prawn. The waiter pointed at the plate and said: “This is our specialty, Seth shrimp. ”The pot contains 10 shell prawns, the shell is divided into nine sections, is like a strong armor, and television programs in the“ animal world ”to see South America Qiantu similar, are at a loss When a lady came to peel for us and said that we must stripping helmets to the top to bottom, so that when the shell is difficult to eat waste and tingling lips, she also said the store supplies are mare urine Shrimp in the top grade “shrimp”, which is the back of the shell has a strip of egg-like females. After tasting, really feel very delicious, its taste no less than the reputation of the big prawn.