本文通过对钢领的磨损进行Archard公式计算,用算得的钢领磨损系数K和Ernest Rabinowicz给出的有关磨损系数进行比较,从而得出:钢领磨损失效的主要因素并不是粘着磨损:钢领的磨损条件并非是常说的干摩擦或没有润滑的摩擦,相反钢领是在有润滑的条件下工作的。
This article calculates the wear of the ring by the Archard formula, using the calculated wear factor of the ring K and the wear factor given by Ernest Rabinowicz, and concludes that the main factor in wear failure of the ring is not sticking wear: The wear conditions are not commonly known as dry or non-lubricated friction, on the contrary the ring is working under lubrication conditions.