Development and distribution of geohazards triggered by the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake in China

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganyi123
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As the Wenchuan Earthquake was of high magnitude and shallow seismic focus, it caused great dam- age and serious geohazards. By the field investigation and the interpretation of remote-sensing infor- mation after the earthquake and by using means of GIS technology, the distribution of geohazards triggered by the earthquake are analyzed and the conclusions are as follows: (1) The earthquake geo- hazards showed the feature of zonal distribution along the earthquake fault zone and linear distribution along the rivers; (2) the distribution of earthquake geohazards had a marked hanging wall effect, for the development density of geohazards in the hanging wall of earthquake fault zone was obviously higher than that in the foot wall and the width of strong development zone in the hanging wall was about 10 km; (3) the topographical slope was a main factor which controlled the development of earthquake geo- hazards and a vast majority of hazards were distributed on the slopes of 20° to 50°; (4) the earthquake geohazards had a corresponding relationship with the elevation and micro-landform, for most hazards happened in the river valleys and canyon sections below the elevation of 1500 to 2000 m, particularly in the upper segment of canyon sections (namely, the turning point from the dale to the canyon). Thin ridge, isolated or full-face space mountains were most sensitive to the seismic wave, and had a striking amplifying effect. In these areas, collapses and landslides were most likely to develop; (5) the study also showed that different lithologies determined the types of geohazards, and usually, landslides oc- curred in soft rocks, while collapses occurred in hard rocks. As the Wenchuan Earthquake was of high magnitude and shallow seismic focus, it caused great dam- age and serious geohazards. By the field investigation and the interpretation of remote-sensing infor- mation after the earthquake and by using means of GIS technology, the distribution of geohazards triggered by the earthquake are analyzed and the conclusions are as follows: (1) The earthquake geo- hazards showed the feature of zonal distribution along the earthquake fault zone and linear distribution along the rivers; (2) the distribution of earthquake geohazards had a marked hanging wall effect, for the development density of geohazards in the hanging wall of earthquake fault zone was obviously higher than that in the foot wall and the width of strong development zone in the hanging wall was about 10 km; (3) the topographical slope was a main factor which controlled the development of earthquake geo- hazards and a vast majority of hazards were distributed on the slopes of 20 ° to 50 °; ( 4) the earthquake geohazards had a corresponding relationship with the elevation and micro-landform, for most hazards happened in the river valleys and canyon sections below the elevation of 1500 to 2000 m, particularly in the upper segment of canyon sections (namely, the turning point from the dale to the canyon). Thin ridge, isolated or full-face space mountains were most sensitive to the seismic wave, and had a striking amplifying effect. (5) In these areas, collapses and landslides were most likely to develop; the study also showed that the different lithologies determined the types of geohazards, and usually, landslides oc- curred in soft rocks, while collapses occurred in hard rocks.
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周渝清主导了9158的技术研发工作,着力解决网络延迟问题。  韩国最早做出了视频交友的十人房模式,就是10个人进入同一个聊天室,每个人都能看到对方。我们觉得它在国内会有更大的空间,就去做了同类产品。  2004年要实现视频交友还是蛮难的。那时的中国互联网是窄带,而且PC的CPU的性能比较低,多媒体数据算是蛮严重的负担。我们尝试了多种编码方式,把视频的码率做得非常非常小。为了减少音频数据,我们参考了