一九五○年九月一日 (‘天津市國营公营企業劳動保险暂行條例’和實施细則,曾在本刊第十四期发表。) 實行具體辦法: 一、本市(塘大區在内)所有國营公营企業一律於九月一日按照本條例开始實行,凡中央企業部门有全國統一劳保條例者(如鐵路、製鋼、郵電)則按其統一條例辦理。二、海河工程處下設之修理厂職工濬河队,市政系統之清洁队,修路工人,市立醫院、卫生事務所以及國立公立学校之職工均應享受本條
September 1, 1950 (The ’Provisional Regulations on Labor Insurance in State-owned Enterprises in Tianjin’ and its Implementing Rules were published in the 14th issue of this issue.) Specific Measures: 1. The Municipality (Tong District ) All state-owned and state-owned enterprises shall come into operation on September 1 in accordance with these Regulations. Those who have unified national labor insurance regulations (such as railway, steel-making and post and telecommunications) in the central government departments shall apply the unified regulations. Second, the Haihe River Works Agency set up under the repair workers Junhe team, the municipal cleaning team, road workers, municipal hospitals, health clinics and public health workers in public schools should enjoy this section