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张禹,字伯达,赵国襄国人,汉明帝永平八年(公元65年)举孝廉;汉章帝建初中(公元76~83年)拜杨州刺史,元和二年(公元85年)转兖州刺史,三年(公元86年)迁下邳相;汉和帝永元六年(公元94年)入为大司农,永元十二年(公元100年)拜太尉;汉殇帝延平元年(公元106年)迁为太傅,禄尚书事;汉安帝永初元年(公元107年)以定策功封安乡侯,食邑千二百户;他是东汉前期的重要官吏。张禹墓碑于1993年在河南偃师出土,碑文内容不仅记载了张禹的生平事迹,而且对研究当时的历史地理,特别是东汉南兆域皇陵区的有关问题具有重要的参考价值。本文拟结合文献记载和现场调查对碑文内容做初步研究。 Zhang Yu, the word Boda, Zhao Xiang Xiangguo people, Hanming Emperor Yongping eight years (AD 65) to lift Xiaolian; Han Zhangdian Junior High School (AD 76-83 years) thanks Yang governor, yuan and two years (AD 85) turn Yanzhou provincial governor, three years (AD 86) moved to the lower phase; Han and Emperor Yong six years (AD 94) into the Secretary for agriculture, Wing 12 years (AD 100) worship Tai Wei; Han Emperor Yanping the first year (AD 106) moved to Taifu, Lu Shangshu things; the Han Emperor Yong of the first year (AD 107 years) to set the policy to seal the village Hou, eating eau thousand two hundred; he is important in the early Eastern Han Dynasty Officials. Zhang Yu tombstone was unearthed in 1993 in Yanshi, Henan Province. The contents of the inscription not only record the life story of Zhang Yu, but also have important reference value for the study of the historical geography at that time, especially the imperial mausoleum of the Southern Han Dynasty in Eastern Han Dynasty. This article intends to combine the literature records and on-site investigation of the inscription content to do a preliminary study.
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