This article aims to make a comparative analysis of previous studies on the gender roles and perspectives of Hispanic people in the United States, particularly their sexual attitudes and the “macho” prototype. This article examines Hispanic immigrants as a race and tries to cover everything within the racial spectrum of a complex race. The economic transformations, cultural adaptations, feminist movements and other changes and opportunities they encounter in the United States are changing the gender roles and gender expectations of this group. According to the results of the U.S. Census (2002), Hispanics have become the largest ethnic minority in the United States. Therefore, psychosocial counseling and counseling can only be provided if they fully understand the lifestyle and ideology of this group, including their political thinking and physical and psychological knowledge. If the therapist is able to understand how the prototype “masculinity” potentially affects the formation of male characters and adapts their gender role to the needs of the family and society, understanding the prototype will help the therapist understand The gender role of the visitor. A treatment that takes advantage of the community's strengths and methods of treatment is also discussed in the article.