
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmlovejj
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一、规划背景孝感临空经济区地处孝感主城区东南部,毗邻武汉天河机场。在孝感市建设“武汉圈副中心城市”和“汉孝同城化发展”战略下,2010年12月,孝感临空经济区管理委员会成立。孝感临空经济区是是孝感建设武汉城市圈副中心城市的重要战略支点,也是孝感与武汉实现同城化的桥头堡,自启动建设以来一直受到省、市领导的高度重视。湖北省成立武汉孝感临空经济区建设领导小组,在省“十二五”明确提出“支持武汉、孝感临空经济区协作融合发 First, the planning background Xiaogan Airport Economic Zone is located in the southeastern Xiaogan main city, adjacent to Wuhan Tianhe Airport. In Xiaogan City construction ”sub-center city of Wuhan Circle“ and ”Han-Xia urbanization development“ strategy, December 2010, Xiaogan airspace Economic Zone Management Committee was established. Xiaogan Airport Economic Zone is an important strategic pivot for Xiaogan to build a sub-center city of Wuhan city circle and a bridgehead between Xiaogan and Wuhan to realize urbanization. Since the start of construction, it has been highly valued by leaders of provinces and municipalities. Hubei Province set up Xiaogan airspace economic zone construction in Wuhan leading group in the province ”Twelve Five “ made it clear that ”support Wuhan, Xiaogan airspace economic zone cooperation and integration of hair