Cytotoxicity of mitochondrial-targeting silica-coated manganese oxide nanoparticles

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ITlogileon
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The mitochondrion is a promising target for diagnosis and therapy. Mitochondrial-targeting silica-coated manganese oxide nanoparticles(Mn O@Si O2-PPh3+ NPs) were successfully synthesized to explore the mitochondrial cytotoxicity of nanoparticles. The mitochondrial targeting property was confirmed by a laser scanning confocal microscopy experiment. Even after incubation for only 4 h, the cytotoxicity of Mn O@Si O2-PPh3+ NPs against cancer cells was obvious; the ATP content was significantly decreased to 40%; and the mitochondrial membrane potential was depleted. All of these results indicated the collapse of mitochondrial function and the start of a cell apoptosis pathway. Our findings suggest that mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis could be strengthened by targeting to the subcellular compartment. The mitochondrial is a promising target for diagnosis and therapy. Mitochondrial-targeting silica-coated manganese oxide nanoparticles (Mn O @ Si O2-PPh3 + NPs) were successfully synthesized to explore the mitochondrial cytotoxicity of nanoparticles. The mitochondrial targeting property was confirmed by a laser Even after incubation for only 4 h, the cytotoxicity of Mn O @ Si O2-PPh3 + NPs against cancer cells was obvious; the ATP content was significantly decreased to 40%; and the mitochondrial membrane potential was depleted. these findings indicating the collapse of mitochondrial function and the start of a cell apoptosis pathway. Our findings suggest that mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis could be strengthened by targeting to the subcellular compartment.
很长一段日子,我一直为儿子的性格而发愁。他似乎过于内敛、成熟、懂事。从小到大,我们都不担心他会“出格”。小家伙做事有始有终、中规中矩。亲朋好友都说他是个标准的小大人。这样的夸赞虽然能带来一丝欣慰,但儿子平时的有些行为却让我忧心忡忡。  儿子上中班时,一天他回家说,整整一节电脑课都坐在那里无所事事。  小家伙很喜欢拨弄电脑,怎么会干巴巴地坐着不动呢?原来那台电脑的显示器出了故障。“你没和老师说吗?”
儿子特别喜欢看古装剧。每当有戴着官帽的人物出现,他总会兴冲冲地跑到跟前,仰着头说:“老爸,我长大以后也要当官,当官才威风哩。”“嗯,有志向,不愧是我儿子!”  儿子人小志高,我不禁飘飘然,还在日常生活中有意无意地给他灌输一些“官念”,一直没觉得有什么不妥。  等到儿子上学前班后,我才发现问题的严重。一天傍晚,他放学回来,满面春风。在他主动做出扫地、端菜等破天荒之举后,太太疑惑地问:“受到老师表扬了
让孩子做家务,除了要帮助她不脱离家庭互助的轨道之外,还要帮助她面对一个永远存在的事实——人人需要一种平衡的生活。不能因为用功读书,其他事情就由别人代劳。不亲近生活琐事的人,会失去对生活的情感,也会减损体会快乐的能力。   晚餐结束后,孩子们和家惠(我们请来的帮手)开始清理餐桌,我回书房继续黄昏前进行到一半的期刊整理工作。没过几分钟,乐走进房里,用商量的语气问我:   “妈妈,我明天要交的功课还有一
四年前,我作为随队心理医生,参加了一个以家庭教育为主题的旅行团。在漓江的游船上,我与常女士坐在一起,相谈甚欢。晚饭后,她恳请我和她儿子雷雷谈谈,因为她怀疑正上高二 Fo