The best of platters audiophileversion编号:Top Music TMCD 1070此碟是把昔日旧录音翻成数码录音最成功、最出色的代表,全部歌曲是选自Platters55-67年最光辉时期的录音,以今日最先进的UQCD2方式重新制作及Alloy Gold超合金压片而成。Platters的人声甜美厚润、圆滑流畅、丰满广阔,真实程度完全使人震惊,肯定胜过以往任何一张Platters的录音。听过本碟更可把platters的密纹黑胶碟从此
The best of platters audiophileversion Code: Top Music TMCD 1070 This is the most successful and outstanding representative of the old recordings, which are the most brilliant and successful recordings from the 55-67 year Platters. Today’s most advanced UQCD2 way to re-create and Alloy Gold superalloys formed. Platters vocal sweet thick, smooth and smooth, full expanse, the real degree of complete shocking, certainly better than any previous Platters recording. Listen to the disc even more platters compact vinyl disc from then on