人工呼吸口对口吹气法的具体操作方法是: (1)伤病员取仰卧位; (2)救护人站在其头部的一侧,自己深吸一口气,对着伤病员的嘴将气吹入造成吸气。此时两嘴要对紧,不得漏气。为使空气不从伤病员的鼻孔漏出,可用一手将其鼻孔捏住,然后救护人嘴离开,将捏住的鼻孔放开,并用一手压其胸部,以帮助呼吸。这样,反复有规律地进行,每分钟约进行14—16次; (3)如伤病员身体强壮,则吹气力量要大,如是体弱者或小孩,则吹气量要小
Specific methods of artificial breathing mouth blow method is: (1) the patient supine position; (2) ambulance man standing on the side of his head, take a deep breath, facing the wounded mouth Blow air into the inhalation. At this point his mouth should be tight, shall not leak. In order to prevent the air from leaking from the nostrils of the wounded, the nostrils of the injured person can be pinched with one hand and then the ambulance mouth is released. The nostril is released and the chest is pressed with one hand to help breathe. In this way, repeated regularly, about 14-16 times per minute; (3) If the wounded and the body is strong, the inflatable force should be large, such as the infirm or children, the inflatable is smaller