环境是人类生存的基础,环境的恶化将给人类生活带来严重的灾难。随着越来越多环保方面的政策得到落实,全国环境质量状况有所改善,同时,国家也出台了更高的环保标准以进一步改善环境。但由于各种因素的制约,有些标准在实施范围或内容上还有待商榷,如《非道路移动机械用柴油机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第三、四阶段)》(GB 20891—2014,以下简称“国三”)在农业机械行业的实施就有些操之过急。农业机械应用分散,国三效用不明显
Environment is the foundation of human existence. The deterioration of the environment will bring serious disaster to human life. As more and more policies on environmental protection have been implemented, the environmental quality in the country has been improved. At the same time, the state has introduced higher environmental standards to further improve the environment. However, due to various factors, some standards have yet to be discussed in the scope or content of their implementation. For example, “Limits and Measurement Methods of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants for Diesel Engines Used in Off-Road Machinery (China’s Third and Fourth Stages)” (GB 20891 -2014, hereinafter referred to as the “three”) in the implementation of the agricultural machinery industry, some hurriedly. Agricultural machinery applications scattered, the third effect is not obvious