委员长突然变卦,“小诸葛”一筹莫展 临上车的前一刻,蒋介石突然变卦,说什么也不肯上英国驻华大使许阁森的轿车,这使白崇禧颇感为难,心里便生出了几分怨怼。 这算干嘛,原先又不是没对你说过,你不是也没反对么,何苦要出发了又来这一手! 蒋介石并不解释。没有人知道他心里在想什么。人心的种种微妙有时是难以启齿的,最高统帅的心理尤其如此,一览无余地表达喜怒哀乐的自由,早已不再权属于他。
When the chairman suddenly changed his mind and “Little Zhuge” slipped into the car just a moment ago, Chiang Kai-shek suddenly changed his mind and said he would not agree with the car of Xu Gesen, the British ambassador to China. This made Baizhongxi a bit embarrassed and he would feel a bit resentful in his heart. This is why, the original is not not said to you, you are not opposed to what, why bother to start again this hand! Chiang Kai-shek did not explain it. No one knows what is thinking in his heart. The subtlety of the mind is sometimes unspeakable. This is particularly so in the mind of the Supreme Commander. Freedom to express anger and sorrow at a glance has no longer been vested in him.