“Summer is like fire, I’ll help you summer.” Adwords put it well, the air conditioner will indeed “wait” people. But I have to remind you here, this stuff sometimes “angry”, neglect. Installation, use, with particular attention to the following points: First, the meter, the wire to match. General household air-conditioning power consumption of 1-3 kilowatts, the power line installation and connection must meet the rated current of not less than 5-15 security requirements, if due to simple, blind connection, will inevitably lead to line overload and fire; Second, the air conditioner can not be started immediately after stopping. 2-3 minutes after the air conditioner is stopped, the pressure difference between the two sides of the compressor inlet and exhaust is relatively large, and the high pressure and low pressure sides should be balanced by the capillary before starting. Otherwise, it is likely because of the compressor load increases, the current surge, causing the motor burned; Third, regular replacement of oil-immersed capacitors in air conditioners. Under normal circumstances, the capacitor only slightly fever, but if the capacitor is too poor quality, or the use of too long, easy to breakdown after a long period of work. If the breakdown is not large, the breakdown point will soon “healing”, but then capacitance