9月20-24号在加拿大蒙特利尔举办的IEEE能源转换研讨和展销会上,CREE发布5篇有关碳化硅基电子功率技术的科技论文。预计9月21日周一,CREE的创始人之一兼功率与射频产业的技术总监John Palmour,将在全体大会上发布演说“碳化硅功率器件——关注1-30kV的功率电路动态革新”。在这场演说中,Palmour将为与会者呈现一个碳化硅半
At the IEEE Energy Conversion Symposium and Tradeshow, September 20-24, Montreal, Canada, CREE released five scientific papers on silicon carbide-based electronic power technology. It is estimated that on Monday, September 21, John Palmour, one of the founding members of CREE and technical director of power and RF industry, will deliver a speech at the plenary session. “Silicon carbide power devices - Pay attention to 1-30kV power circuit dynamic innovation” . In this speech, Palmour will present a silicon carbide half for the participants