Based on the multidimensional task model of Aghion and Stein (2008), this paper introduces the two-level agency relationship and examines the influence of the agent’s ability to infer the manager’s motivation and behavior in the enterprise. The analysis shows that the external investors infer that the manager’s ability will guide the latter to meet the requirements of external investors to allocate resources and energy, thus distorting the incentives and behaviors of the internal managers and reducing the economic value created by the internal capital markets. The analysis of this article emphasizes that firstly, the bigger the difference in the relative importance of multidimensional tasks is, the more likely and distorted the incentive misconduct and behavior distortions in the multi-level agency relationship will be. Second, in order to reduce the internal Managers allocate energy distortions caused by distortions, and CEOs seeking maximum corporate value tend to be more motivated by current performance and less motivated by perceived performance in the future, resulting in higher-level proxies (CEOs) , Low-level agents (sub-department managers) pay more attention to the present and ignore the long-term performance relatively.