欧洲丁(Tinca tincac)俗称欧洲丁桂鱼,是原产于欧洲大陆古老的经济鱼类。该鱼为淡水底栖鱼类,体金黄色,杂食性,喜在静水底泥区生活,耐低溶氧,耐寒力强,适温范围0~37°。2002年6月,我们从湖北省引进丁桂鱼2万尾,经过一年多的试养,各项技术指标达到了预期目标。丁桂鱼种运输成活率达81.3%,鱼种培育成活率
Tinca tincac commonly known as the European Ding Gui fish, is a native of continental Europe, the ancient economic fish. The fish is freshwater benthic fish, body golden yellow, omnivorous, hi living in the water sediment area, low dissolved oxygen, cold and strong, suitable temperature range 0 ~ 37 °. In June 2002, we imported 20000 Ding Gui fish from Hubei Province. After more than one year trial, the technical indicators have reached the expected target. Ding Gui fish species survival rate of 81.3% transport, breeding of fish species survival rate